The Thrive patch benefits include weight loss, appetite control, and improved mental acuity. It is an essential part of the three-step Le-Vel Thrive Experience, a daily regimen of nutritional supplementation supported by personal fitness goals.
Thrive DFT (Derma Fusion Technology) stands for derma fusion technology, which means that the ingredients in the patch are absorbed through the skin and into circulation. This is a technique that has been around for years and is used in nicotine treatments, pain medication, hormonal treatment and more.
One of the Thrive DFT ingredients is ForsLean, an extract of green coffee beans that has been shown to increase fat burning and improve blood sugar levels in overweight and obese individuals. Another is L-arginine, an amino acid that promotes heart health and has been shown to support energy levels.
This product is also infused with aloe vera, which has been shown to have positive effects on the body’s systems including its metabolism and the immune system. It is believed to reduce inflammation and soothe skin irritation.
The patch’s other ingredients are a combination of white willow bark, garcinia cambogia and green coffee bean extract. The garcinia cambogia in the Thrive patch has been shown to promote mild weight loss and increase the levels of certain enzymes in the body, but more research is needed to confirm its effectiveness. The green coffee bean extract has been shown to be effective in reducing blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol, but more research is needed on its use as a weight-loss supplement.
CoQ10 is a naturally occurring compound that can help boost muscle recovery after exercise. It’s found in many different foods and is considered to be an essential nutrient for healthy functioning of the nervous system. However, CoQ10 is not currently recognized as safe for human consumption by the Food and Drug Administration.
Final words
Ultimately, the Thrive DFT is a powerful tool for anyone looking to enhance their overall health and well-being. It’s a safe and natural way to improve your diet and lifestyle by giving your body the vitamins, minerals, probiotics, enzymes, and amino acids it needs to function at its best. The only downside is that it can be expensive and requires a lot of commitment, so it’s not for everyone.